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BridgePark RVA

Since 2012, the BridgePark has been an idea that hasn’t fully left the drawing board. That’s unfortunate because an idea like this makes a tremendous amount of sense. The bridge would sit roughly between the new Tyler Potterfield Bridge and Manchester Bridge and span across the river from Kanawha Plaza to the Manchester Climbing wall.

The James River could finally act as the hub of the urban community for which it has always been intended in bringing the city and nature together. Walkers and bikers alike would be able to cross the river from downtown into the Manchester neighborhood, in turn, creating a more holistic city of Richmond.

I don’t know about you, but every time I’m near the water I find a sense of peace and solitude that I wouldn’t otherwise feel if I had never left my urban setting. I’m continuously amazed by the natural fauna and flora that use the James River in this city that we call home. How fortunate are we to see eagles flying above, when at one time their numbers were at an all time low? We almost lost these majestic creatures. And for all you bird lovers out there, I had the opportunity to see a Loon a couple of weeks ago while at the RVA Art Fest.  A LOON! Loons aren’t from around these parts – think On Golden Pond and you will understand what I’m talking about.

This area is a migration path for loons and I was lucky to see the loon both days during the RVA Street Art festival while crossing the Mayo Bridge.

The BridgePark needs to become a reality because the connection to the James is the life blood of RVA. Continue to keep your eyes and ears open for this project. We may not be be there quite yet in regards to funding, but some day I know it will become a reality.

Featured image courtesy of Richmond BridgePark Foundation.

60 thoughts on “BridgePark RVA

  1. I saw a loon as well when my son and I went for a longer walk out of the festival but it was so out of context I couldn’t figure it out until I read this. Of course that’s what we saw. Thank you so much for the post. Our family went back this weekend to see the murals again and to walk the south bank down to opposite Rockets landing. I agree that the bridge park would further facilitate vibrant life and connection in our city.

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