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Is Manchester About to Get a Grocery Store?

Speculation is running rampant that Manchester just might be about to get a grocery store. With the recent acquisition of a 12.8 acre parcel located at 1802 Semmes Ave for $3.7 Million by Harper Associates, there is good reason to be excited.

According to a November 23rd article entitled 12-acre sale could signal more retail in Manchester by Richmond BizSense, the new owner has experience with retail development, including grocery stores:

“Formed in the ’90s, Harper Associates has experience in retail-centric real estate. Its other developments include the Lowe’s and Kroger shopping center at West Broad and Lombardy streets, and the Walmart and Lowe’s-anchored development at Forest Hill Avenue and Chippenham Parkway. It currently manages both properties.”

If a grocery store is built in Manchester, it would go a long way to transforming an area which is often labeled a food desert. It is for this reason that Tricycle Gardens set up its Urban Farm in Manchester in order to try to help address the scarcity of locally grown healthy food in the neighborhood.

Let’s hope Harper Associates quenches Manchester’s thirst for some healthy food options.

27 thoughts on “Is Manchester About to Get a Grocery Store?

    1. Yes, it technically is. That being said, I think it’s safe to say that if built, it would serve the Manchester neighborhood being that it’s only one parcel over from the Manchester/Swansboro dividing line of Cowardin Ave.

  1. Not directly related. But who owns the expansive parcels of parking lots and nothingness at Hull and Commerce? And what plans if any do they have for the parcels?

    Those parcels seems like the gaping wound (and biggest obstacle) between the boom of development in the warehouse portion of Manchester and the potential of the old historic Hull street part of Manchester. We all know that the old town section could eventually be cool but it needs to be more connected to the density. Put some residential density and walkable mixed use development (i.e. not commercial with a big ass surface parking lot) at Hull and Commerce and then I think Hull street could really take off.

    1. I couldn’t agree more, Paul. Not sure about the owner’s plans, but the second parcel listed below has a for sale sign on it (and has for a very long time, so I speculate they might have a very high asking price relative to what the market will bear). Nevertheless, here is the ownership info for both parcels:

      700 Hull St is owned by: SEIBERT JOHN R & SHIRLEY T

      812 Hull St is owned by FRY J M COMPANY THE

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