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The 1229 Hull Street Renovation Looks Fantastic!

After driving past 1229 Hull Street today, I had to stop the car and snap a picture. What an incredible renovation for a once dormant, boarded up building.

It seems as if the transformation for Hull Street might finally be in full swing. Here’s to hoping that the once awesome sense of pride long time residents had for Hull Street is fully restored. Every time I stop and look up at an abandoned building on Hull St, I am encouraged by the friendliness of the old timers who go out of their way to come over and talk, providing encouragement along the way. They always seems to say something along the following lines (and I am paraphrasing here): “You know we used to have Christmas parades and all kinds of wonderful stores here. But we lost all that.”

Well if all the building sales and construction are an indication, what was lost will soon be restored. It appears the necessary capital might finally be here to make Hull Street a place for the Manchester neighborhood to have pride in once again.1229 Hull St

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