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Manchester Trees – Donations Flow In!

I always knew Manchester was great. What I didn’t realize was just how inspiring it would be to see folks come together in a show of support for the community. Given the higher than expected participation, we have been able to expand the initiative beyond Hull Street, to 100 trees for Manchester! The following awesome businesses have donated their resources so we can secure trees, planting supplies, and lunch for hungry/thirsty volunteer planters:

Live Well Financial: $10,000 Donation

Thalhimer Realty Partners: $1,100 Donation

Property Results: $1,040 Donation

Genesis Properties: $1,000 Donation

Fountainhead Properties: $1,000 Donation

Manchester Pie Factory $250 Donation

Tektonics Design Group: $240 Donation

Anderson’s Neck Oyster Company: Truck Donation for Tree Delivery

The Bankuet Place: Location Donation for Planting Headquarters, Parking, & Lunch

Camden’s Dogtown Market: Tasty Barbecue Lunch & Drinks for Our Volunteer Planters

But wait it gets better!

We already have 128 citizen volunteer planters who have signed up to participate in this awesome event. That’s 128 community minded souls who have given up their precious Saturday time to help a community on the rise. Plus we have a boy scout troop that has agreed to water trees every Saturday for two years during the growing season! Now that my friendly neighbors is what community is all about! Donating money, time, food, or sweat equity-it just feels great to give and participate in this wonderful community. I am so proud of everyone involved, I could just burst! April 2nd is going to be awesome to see, rain or shine!

If you haven’t committed yet, but would like to participate, there’s still time for donations and volunteers.

Here’s how you can help Manchester:

  • Donate Funds: If you or your company are willing to donate funds to increase the scope of the project, we will buy more trees and fill as many of the empty wells on other streets in Manchester such as Bainbridge, Porter, Perry, McDonough, etc. Please make your check payable to: “The Bankuet Place”, write “Tree Donation” on the memo line, & mail to: The Bankuet Place, 1129 Hull Street, Richmond, VA 23224
  • Volunteer for the Planting Brigade & help us plant the trees on April 2nd! We need all the able bodies we can get to dig holes, plant the trees, and get them watered! If you, or your company would like to volunteer, Contact Us and let us know the number of people who will attend, and if you can bring shovels. Please note: Volunteers are required to donate $20/person in advance if they would like to have catered food/drinks supplied (see directions above for where to mail your check).* Base Camp for the planting on Saturday, April 2nd will be at the parking lot directly behind The Bankuet Place. The Bankuet Place is located at 1129 Hull Street, Richmond, VA 23224. The address for the parking lot is 1124 Bainbridge St, Richmond, VA 23224. We will set up tables for food and drinks in the parking lot, if the weather is nice. Otherwise, we will set up the food and tables inside. This is a rain or shine event.
  • Lend a Shovel for the Planting! Contact Us and let us know how many shovels you can lend to the effort. Shovels will be stored at The Bankuet Place for you to coordinate pick up after the event is over, or at a later time.
  • Sign Up for the Bucket Brigade! We need tree waterers to help us keep the trees watered every week during the growing season for the next two years! If you or your company are willing to take responsibility for a weekly slot (or several) on our rotational schedule, please Contact Us and we will coordinate details.

We’d love to hear from you if you would like join this initiative. Come help us plant some Trees!

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