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Richmond Times-Dispatch: Betting on Manchester pays off for Twisted Ales Craft Brewing

I was thrilled to see the Richmond Times-Dispatch do an article on Manchester’s Twisted Ales Craft Brewing. And who could ask for a better title than: Betting on Manchester pays off for Twisted Ales Craft Brewing?

Here is what the they had to say:

‘“Last year on New Year’s Eve it was all about hopes and dreams,” says Debbi Price, founder and co-owner of Twisted Ales Craft Brewing in Manchester. “We were in the parking lot, and we didn’t even have the keys yet. This year, we were all smiling as we finished cleaning the taproom together. Just before we turned off the lights, we looked at each other and said, ‘We built this!’ It was a quiet moment of pride.’”

The article later quotes Price as saying: “All wasn’t certain as they sat in that parking lot: ‘We took a big bet on Manchester,’ Debbi says. ‘It turns out it was a really good bet.’”

You can read the full article here.

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