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Meet Manchester’s Violin Craftsman: Adam Birce of Four Strings

Located in Studio 38 inside the Plant Zero building in the heart of Old Town Manchester is a curious fiddler. Inside his studio, Adam Birce is working like a modern day Mister Gepetto. However, wooden puppets aren’t his specialty. Rather, violins are his craft, and clearly his passion.

Adam Birce named his violin repair business Four Strings, and he is dedicated to providing expert repair, adjustment, and maintenance for bowed string instruments and bows. Four Strings also offers unique Commissioned Restoration and Concierge Adjustment programs.

According to the Four String’s blog, you can tell Adam is passionate about what he does:

Adam Birce“I love the violin. It’s been a passion of mine since I was 7 years old, and something that I have focused my life around since then. I played in elementary, middle, and high school, participated in local and regional competitions growing up, and went on to study music at Virginia Commonwealth University. While at VCU, an opportunity arose to work in a small local violin shop–something I had never even considered–so I took a chance, started working there, and decided to try my hand at repair work and restoration. Almost nine years later, I decided to go off on my own to start this shop, with a focus on the professional and aspiring professional community in Richmond, VA.

My professional training includes the Violin Craftsmanship Institute at University of New Hampshire with master violin maker Horst Kloss, and also ongoing classes at the Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts with legendary repairperson and VSA founder Hans J. Nebel. I am also a member of the Violin Society of America.”

And Adam is clearly enamored with being located in Manchester: “I’ve had a couple of interviews with a few media outlets and I try and mention how awesome it is down here, and why I love it so much. It’s turned out to be one of the things my clients love about my operation.”

So if you or someone you know plays a bowed instrument that’s in need of some fine tuning, or an outright restoration, give Adam Birce of Four Strings a call.

Four StringsFour StringsPlaying for Woodstock
0 E. 4th Street
Studio 38
Richmond, VA

Open from 10am-2pm Tuesday through Friday, and by appointment from 2-7pm.

Saturdays by Appointment

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