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Update: No Funding for Hull Street Revitalization, But Council Votes to Fund Traffic Calming

At Monday’s marathon City Council meeting, City Council voted down the amendment that would have removed funding for the traffic calming project for Manchester (and all other sections of the City). They did not however, appropriate any funding for the Hull Street Revitalization project.

This is two years in a row that the Hull Street Revitalization project has been listed on the Capital Improvement Program (CIP), but received no funding. This means the earliest this project can be evaluated again is next May of 2017. Practically speaking this means that the Hull Street Revitalization project likely won’t be started until 2018 if it is funded in next year’s budget.

We are encouraging folks to let Ellen Robertson know if you are satisfied or dissatisfied with this result. She can be reached at:

9 thoughts on “Update: No Funding for Hull Street Revitalization, But Council Votes to Fund Traffic Calming

  1. Sad that the city council couldn’t appropriate any funding for the Hull Street Revitalization project. That part of the city can be as amazing as The Fan if they would invest in it. Other cities our size our spending on making their urban areas great again. Mayor Dyer in Orlando is a prime example of what is possible and how to make a city great. They now have MLS, NBA, a beautiful performing arts center, a new stadium for the Orlando Magic, large-scale renovations of the Citrus Bowl, mass transit with Lynx and Sunrail, and a creative village. Orlando’s size 262,372. Richmond’s size 220,289. Not a massive difference and we pay higher taxes and went through less of a recession then they did. I don’t know why they can’t have a vision for this city. It’s an amazing city, with a city council and mayor that holds it back from greatness.

    We have dumpy schools, dumpy roads, a dumpy coliseum (no one good comes to town, Charlottesville gets better bands), and the Altria theater is need of renovations.

    I love RVA. I’ve lived in LA, Orlando, DC and this is my favorite city. I just wish the city council and mayor would love it as much as it citizens. There’s so many great people do great things for this city, the support of the government would be nice.

    1. Agreed ! This beautiful, historical city could be great if they invest dollars into areas such as Hull street.

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