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Meet Ravi McPhee: Manchester’s Newest Entrepreneur

It’s no secret, I have a soft spot for entrepreneurs.  I absolutely love seeing people take the plunge and start or expand a new business. What is even more inspiring is seeing folks come to the Unites States and live the American Dream.

Ravi McPhee is Manchester’s newest entrepreneur with his Island Yoga Fitness located at 1227 & 1229 Hull St that we just announced this past week. Ravi’s story serves as a reminder of how fortunate we are in this land of opportunity. I have enjoyed getting to know Ravi over the past week. I asked him a few questions so you could hear his story. Here is what Ravi had to share…

Where are you from originally?

I am originally from Freeport, Bahamas.

What did you do before Island Yoga Fitness?

Before Island Yoga Fitness in the Bahamas I was a truck driver, a boat captain, and tour guide. Before Island Yoga Fitness was created, I taught a yoga class at the University of Richmond, also at Randolph Macon, and was a personal trainer at American Family Fitness, YMCA, and Golds Gym.

When did you start Island Yoga Fitness?

I offically started Island Yoga Fitness three years ago but it has really been over 6 years in the making when I first found my true love for fitness.

What are you most proud of in terms of getting started?

Seeing my dream come true for me and my clients.

What brought you to Manchester?

I found a beautiful location in a great restored building and I would say that Manchester really found me.

What has been your biggest challenge getting set up in your new location?

Getting all of the equipment delivered and installed from the equipment company on schedule with the opening has been the hardest part.

What type of services do you offer?

Personal training, one on one training, one on one coaching, group classes, personal classes, and yoga classes.

How will your business plan change now that you are located in Manchester?

The business plan hasn’t really changed, being in this community really fits with my business plan.

Anything else you would like to share?

It is great to be a part of the Manchester community and I am looking forward to serving Manchester with health and wellness.


18 thoughts on “Meet Ravi McPhee: Manchester’s Newest Entrepreneur

  1. Congrats Ravi. I had the pleasure of working one on one with Ravi for a year and it was an awesome experience. His ability to educate, enhance and remain committed on my journey when i was slacking allowed me to grow physically and spiritually. He approach his clients in a holistic manner. Great person to work out with and know.

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