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No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished …..the saying that everyone is familiar with but can’t quite grasp. It makes no sense to me that doing good could mean being punished for such an act.

It’s not a secret that Michael and I are passionate about RVA and specifically Manchester. There is so much potential in this neighborhood and we want it to be successful in every way possible. We currently own a business as well as building and renovating for additional businesses in the area. All with the hope that they will contribute, flourish and bring a community together. That’s not easily done unless all walks of life come together to make a positive change in the environment.

What’s it all for if we can’t help each other and respect one another while we are here on this big blue sphere we call home?

Which takes me to a story that needs to be told because at the end of the day doing good is always the right way regardless if it comes back to bite you. I just wish it didn’t hurt so much.

We have spent several weekends trimming trees along Hull Street as well as cleaning up around the sidewalks. We’ve been fortunate to interface with individuals that have either pitched in and helped without being asked or just being told God Bless and thank you. I can only say that those moments have been very humbling. It’s affirmed to us that we are doing what we should be doing. This feels right, this is our purpose.

During a recent tree trimming a police officer was trimming trees as well. He was doing this in between calls. Michael who was trimming trees didn’t realize this until later in the day when he was approached by the officer. Here is the following interaction as he originally posted on Facebook:

This was a genuine interaction between two human beings about Manchester, our neighborhood, our community. But unfortunately, no good deed goes unpunished. Apparently, the police officer received a formal complaint for trimming trees and not doing typical police work as one of the commenters brought to our attention on the post.

Here’s how I interpret the situation. Trimming trees along Hull Street is about much more than just the simple act of cutting back overgrown foliage. It’s about taking pride in your neighborhood, taking care of your neighbors, and telling the community I’m here to help and protect this area. It’s not just about fighting crime, it’s about investing in the fabric of the community and the people. That’s what this officer, in my mind was doing and I emphatically commend him for that.

I’m not sure what will happen to the officer regarding the complaint. We will have to wait and see. I do know that Michael and I will continue to trim trees regardless. And we welcome the service of any officer, community member, or business owner who wants to help make Manchester a neighborhood that we can be proud of and take ownership in.

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