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Anything But Standard on Hull Street

Hull Street’s rebirth is coming along quite nicely.

The most recent addition is the Standard Drug Co building located at 1319 Hull Street. The handsome redevelopment project is the work of RJ Smith and Janet King of RJ Smith Construction. If renovation keeps up at this frenetic pace and of such high quality, Hull Street is going to be virtually unrecognizable in nearly a year’s time! Here’s to hoping the momentum continues!

32 thoughts on “Anything But Standard on Hull Street

  1. I live at 13th and Decatur and the work by folks on repairing these buildings along Hull Street is great and something I’m glad to see. I’m a little perplexed, however, as to why it’s happening given that many of the storefronts along Hull seem to be empty and remain empty. Is the rent from the 2nd and 3rd story apartments sufficient to cover the debt payments for the purchase and renovation costs? Or are the developers getting tax credits that make the projects financially attractive despite the lack of commercial tenants? Or are these just bets on future increases in property values and commercial tenant interest? It just seems weird to me to see all this renovation activity on commercial spaces when there doesn’t seem to be much demand from commercial tenants.

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