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Last Year’s 100 Donated Trees Now In Bloom in Manchester!

Nearly one year ago on a rainy day I saw 100 trees donated and planted by a sea of volunteers throughout the Manchester community. The collaboration was nothing short of inspiring!

And I am reminded again of that great work by seeing all those trees now in spring bloom, beautifying the streets of Manchester. For those who don’t know, maintaining and watering the trees has taken countless hours of volunteer time during last year’s growing season. That tree watering team is about to start up again as the Spring temperatures warm up. Special thanks are in order to Patrick Fay and Brian Midgette who have been spearheading the “bucket brigade”-you guys are absolutely incredible! If anyone would like to volunteer to help with the tree watering, you can feel free to contact us here.

Finally, as a bit of nopstalgic inspiration, check out the video below of last year’s planting. It captures the tremendous amount of enthusiasm from the group. Let’s keep that optimism alive as we all work to make Manchester welcome, safe, and inviting for all those who work, live, and play in our great neighborhood!

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