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Style Weekly Turns 35

A huge shout out is in order to our Manchester neighbor and Richmond’s arts and culture juggernaut-Style Weekly. They have been setting the stage as the Cultural Guide for Richmond for a whopping 35 years now. That is mighty impressive, and Manchester is lucky to have Style as such a cool neighbor.

Here is a snippet of what Style Weekly’s founder Lorna Wyckoff had to say about Style’s early days:

“Bear in mind that we began as ‘A News Magazine for the West End’ in November 1982 and very soon were recast as “A Cultural Guide to Richmond.” On this issue’s Back Page column, Style’s founder, Lorna Wyckoff, shares her experience of the early years and the experience of publishing a paper practically by the seat of the pants. ‘Thirty-five years ago, a free paper with the added benefit of quality content, not just advertising, was preposterous,” she writes. “We were merely a garage band with big aspirations and scant training,’ she says later.”

You can read the full article with a sampling of really cool covers from the publication’s 35 year history over at the Style Weekly website.

One thought on “Style Weekly Turns 35

  1. Bear in mind that Mrs. Wyckoff was forced out as the the editor when she was accused of sexual harassment of a staff member. The allegations were apparently founded and she was shown the door.

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