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Development Boom Continues South of the River

Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, development south of the river is absolutely booming. The latest news is that an attractive parcel of land in the Springhill neighborhood with incredible views of downtown has been rezoned for future development potential.

Jeremy Connell, the man behind the 7 West development in Manchester, is also the man behind the Spring Hill rezoning. Connell has the assemblage of five parcels under contract to purchase, and the news broke in Richmond Bizsense this morning. Here is what the article had to say:

“The property consists of five parcels at 1701 Stonewall Ave., 700 Cowardin Ave. and 701, 705 and 715 W. 19th St. A city assessment most recently valued the parcels at a combined $2.76 million.

While no plans have been set, Connell said he envisions a multifamily development with a for-sale component, with views of the city skyline, Belle Isle and Hollywood Cemetery.

Like with 7west, he said, those views and proximity to downtown drew him to the property and would be a selling point for development.”

You can read the full article at Richmond BizSense.






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