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Sportscar Workshops Completes Move to Swansboro…And They are Hiring

In speaking with Michael Moore of Sportscar Workshops about his move of the family business from the edge of Scott’s Addition on Boulevard to Swansboro, you can sense the weight of the decision. There is also a look of exhaustion that comes from such an undertaking. But Michael is quick to crack a joke and not let it get too serious: “After several months of 15 plus hour days, it is finally done. Lease is up and every last bolt is out. I’ll miss it, but on to better things. Time for a beer.”

The move of his family shop was a decision born both by necessity and a desire to own. Sportscar Workshops leased their building at 1209 Boulevard. Michael Moore grew up in the workshop before Scotts Addition became known for trendy breweries, restaurants, and apartments. But with the area’s newfound popularity came skyrocketing lease payments. A sportscar repair and sales business could not justify those inflated lease payments and be viable. So it was time to find a new location.

Moore set his sights on the western edge of Manchester in an area that locals refer to as Swansboro. The new location at 2660 Hull Street affords the Moore’s the opportunity to own their building. Plus, the area sees an enormous amount of street traffic from both the Hull Street and the Midlothian Turnpike thoroughfares that line the shop. I am lucky enough to drive past the new Sportscar Workshops building twice a day as I salivate at the awesome vintage sportscars that line the lot. It is a great move for the neighborhood. Moore has brought enthusiasm, an eye to the future, and jobs to the area. The former VMI grad and US Marine is quick to point out that he is looking for a seasoned mechanic to add to the team.

So if you are in the need for a new vintage ride or a trusty mechanic to repair your existing car, swing by to visit the Moore’s new shop and welcome them to the neighborhood. And if you have a friend or neighbor who is a mechanic and wants to work on awesome vintage sportscars, shoot Sportscar Workshops an email at

Cover Photo Credit: Stephen Summerville

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