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Richmond Cohousing Sets Sites on Manchester

The Richmond Cohousing group has been searching for a suitable location for years, with Manchester squarely in its target area. It appears they are now ready to announce their location at 901 Porter Street in Manchester.

What is cohousing, you ask? Here is how the Richmond Cohousing site describes themselves on their website:

“Richmond Cohousing is a group of families building a multi-generational urban cohousing community in Richmond, VA. Our cohousing community will be at 901 Porter Street in a walkable/bikable neighborhood just over the river from downtown with many attractive features including a library, restaurants, shops, playgrounds and pocket parks, and close proximity to river attractions. Our building will have 19 single-level one-, two- and three-bedroom units on four floors. We will also have a large common space on the first floor for cooking and dining together and a rooftop deck for outdoor socials, conversations, and container gardening. We’re in the process of getting purchase commitments – if you’re interested, now is an ideal time to join us!”

According to the Richmond Cohousing website, the condos in the plans will range from $179,000-$399,000 per unit depending upon the number of bedrooms and square footage.

18 thoughts on “Richmond Cohousing Sets Sites on Manchester

  1. Still a short building. Looks like Legos just like the rest of the new developments. And no retail/restaurant space for sidewalk level. Groundbreaking. I live a block away on Porter. It would be nice to make Manchester more walkable with shops and food

  2. Its a very European idea for people who want to be part of a close community. I love it but I do agree that we need more single family homes. Unfortunately this area has been taken over by business and landlords who are getting tax breaks while charging fair market value rent and making a pretty penny.

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